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The Lego Solution

Our oldest son has always loved Legos. Having explored their endless potential over many years, he even kept some on his desk as a military officer to help him with problem solving!

But my earliest and perhaps fondest memory of Legos occurred after giving birth to our third son. (Three sons in 3 1/2 years!) Living with constant sleep deprivation, we desperately longed for solitude on Saturday mornings.

For that reason my husband devised an ingenious plan. At bedtime he placed a collection of Legos between our son’s room and our bedroom door. And early the next morning, instead of barging into our room, our son sat right down and happily entertained himself, delighted at the sight of his favorite building blocks. (Little things make such a difference.)

I spent far too much time bemoaning my exhaustion in those days, and filled my social calendar with pity parties. Living in the flesh, instead of the Spirit, was my norm.

<—-  ME!

Jesus, on the other hand, walked in the Spirit, denying His flesh moment by moment, day and night. For example, we read in Mark 1:32-35

When it was evening, after sunset, they brought to him all who were sick and demon-possessed. The whole town gathered by the door. So he healed many who were sick with various diseases and drove out many demons. . . Then Jesus got up early in the morning when it was still very dark, departed, and went out to a deserted place, and there He spent time in prayer.

In this instance, a whole crowd came knocking on His door at the end of the day. But we don’t hear Jesus saying, “What is it this time?” or “Come back in the morning.” Ours is a 24/7 God.

Jesus’s selfless love drew the hurting and sick, day and night.


Notice that this crowd had not sought out the priests for help. Those religious leaders had the right clothes and high status, but no ability to heal. Instead the hurting people turned to God incarnate. And despite all the effort that took, He never complained.

Early the next morning, despite His lack of sleep, Jesus spent time in solitude, communing with His loving Father. Prayer empowered Jesus.

He turned to His Father for strength, exemplifying Isaiah 40:31:

But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

The demands of life can drain us, highlighting the importance of physical rest. But usually our greatest need is for time alone with God. He waits eagerly to share His wisdom, strength, and refreshment with us. 

He’ll recharge us any time we come to Him, day or night.

1 thought on “The Lego Solution”

  1. Nice, Carrie – I am sorting through Legos and Duplos right now, so this theme was SO timely, and I love your visuals. always look forward to your creative and insightful posts –

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