Your New ID

Month: September 2019


One difficulty in learning to drive is getting the hang of how to yield. Having helped teach six teens to drive, I can tell you that coaching others to “read” the traffic is tricky. (And while I could share some white knuckle stories from those days, those now-licensed young drivers could just as easily tell …

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Food and Fashion

I’m not much of a foodie or a fashionista. My cooking style could be described as, “Throw it in a pot and see what happens!” And my fashion sense might be laughable to those “in the know.” Yet these are popular trends in modern culture. So it’s a good thing John the Baptist is no …

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Bad Egg

Do you have a dramatic egg story? I do! One day I wanted a nice, hot, hard boiled egg. Fortunately, I’d boiled and peeled a few eggs the day before and stored them in the fridge. Now, I reasoned, all I needed to do was heat one up. And the quickest way involved the microwave. …

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God’s Labor Day

Yesterday we celebrated Labor Day in the U.S.. I heard one person say that whoever named that particular holiday should be fired since it’s actually a non-labor day! We get a day off to rest from our work. And God is in full agreement with this idea. Hebrews 4:4 tells us, For He has said somewhere …

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