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What’s in Your Mailbox?

This time of year Americans are especially excited to see what’s in the mail, hoping for personal letters and gifts. In my elementary school years, my grandmother sometimes sent us a coffee can full of homemade Christmas cookies. I now love receiving Christmas cards and photos from longtime friends and family. And it’s a great time of year to express appreciation to our mail carriers.

Over the years we’ve received a variety of items in the mail. Besides the standard American letters, bills, and ads, we’ve had unexpected announcements and invitations, overseas correspondence with unique stamps, and tubes with art prints inside them. Years ago we received a small metal cigar box protecting a cassette tape of French music, sent from JB’s college host family in Arles. And most recently JB opened the mailbox to find a bag holding three pairs of pants! You never know what might be in your mailbox!

It doesn’t really matter what your mailbox looks like either. Most people in our neighborhood have standard black mailboxes on wooden posts, but a few let their creativity shine for the USPS. Whether new and glossy or worn and rusty, whether standard black metal, colorfully painted, or carved wood, all mailboxes have the capacity to receive letters.

And people are like mailboxes. We come in all shapes and sizes, some far more decorated or fashionable than others. We were all created to receive one very important delivery. God wants us to accept the greatest piece of news anyone has ever sent. The question is, will we receive it?

Before leaving on a long vacation, some people have the Post Office put a hold on their mail. Unfortunately, too many of our hearts remain closed and locked, as if we’ve put a hold on the message God wants to deliver to us.

In Matthew 22:1-10 Jesus told the parable of a king who sent a select group of citizens an invitation to his son’s wedding feast. They refused the royal request. Some in that initial group mistreated and even killed the servants bringing the invitation. So eventually the king invited everyone in the land and those who accepted filled the banquet hall.

This story speaks to us today. The king (God the Father) has planned a wedding feast for his son (Jesus). He first invited only an exclusive group (the Jews). But in due time the invitation was sent to the entire world and now we’re all invited.

But this is no ordinary, one-time invitation to accept and forget. It’s a continual liberation notice, a love letter, and a deed rolled into one document. And God has sent it to you! He wants to free you from the bondage of sin and selfishness. He longs to fill your heart with His love. And He’s eager for you to enjoy the legal rights of living in His kingdom here on earth, as well as in the life to come.

All you have to do is open the mailbox of your heart and accept His invitation! I can’t think of a better way to celebrate Christmas!

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