Your New ID

Wear Your Helmet, Dude!

When I see motorcyclists riding without helmets I wonder why they have such disregard for their brains. I assumed riding without a helmet was illegal, until I recently read that neither federal law nor the laws of 31 states require it. Leather pants and jackets, once popular biker protection, seem to have disappeared like the clothes of streakers who ran naked through public places in the 70s. (Aren’t you glad THAT fad ended?)

Uncle Sam does not demand that motorcyclists don their leather and helmets. And people choose whether they’ll follow state regulations. But making poor decisions regarding bike attire can lead to all sorts of physical pain and emotional sorrow after an accident.

Similarly, God does not demand that we prepare ourselves for our ride through life. But He urges us to dress wisely.

In Ephesians 6:10-11 Paul exhorts,

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might. Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil.

He then proceeds to list the items we should wear for our protection. We’re in a battle against the schemes of the devil, author of the world’s darkness and wickedness—a spiritual battle (see v 12). And the way to be strong in the Lord is by putting on God’s armor.

Each piece of armor has a purpose. The belt of truth enables us to discern right from wrong, to distinguish truth from deception and lies. The breastplate of righteousness covers our hearts with the knowledge that Christ has made us righteous even if we don’t feel or behave so. The gospel of peace makes us sure-footed, giving us the stability to walk at peace with God and ourselves, and the ability to share that peace with others. The shield of faith protects us against the enemy’s fiery darts. And the helmet of salvation keeps us safe in the knowledge that Christ redeemed us. These defensive pieces all provide protection. Our one offensive weapon is the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God.

God provides this armor freely but any given day we may neglect to wear the full armor of God, leaving ourselves exposed.

If we strap on the belt of truth but never cover our feet with peace, we may be “right” but we’ll be stressed. If we forget to put on the breastplate of righteousness we’ll be easy targets for the enemy’s arrows of condemnation and shame. We might put on the helmet of salvation but not take up the shield of faith. That won’t work either, because then we’re vulnerable to doubts and discouragement.

We need every part of the armor. Without it we’ll resemble ill-equipped motorcyclists. Or worse, run as exposed as those 70s fad followers, spiritually streaking through life. The less armor we wear the more defenseless and powerless we find ourselves.

The devil stalks about like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour (I Peter 5:8). Don’t be easy prey. Gear up!

1 thought on “Wear Your Helmet, Dude!”

  1. I LOVED your analogies, Carrie! I will now start thinking of myself as motorcyclist w/o a helmet (or – worse – a streaker!) when I venture out without the “full armour of God” (which I usually do)! Great encouragement…:)

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