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Month: July 2020

Equal to Thousands

Some of our family enjoys movies based on Marvel comic book characters. Ironman, Thor, Spider-Man, Captain America — these superheroes use superhuman power to fight bad guys. And while we see their flaws, we still root for them to win. They inspire us to keep going when the going gets tough. Did you know that …

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The 2.5 Minute Wash

Recently we decided to visit a new automatic car wash. What a cool machine! We drove up to their conveyor, shifted into neutral, then just sat in the car as it pulled us through. After powerful streams of soapy water, we passed through a forest of suspended scrubbing strips, followed by a final rinse and a blow dry …

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God’s Part and Our Part

This summer I work with a bright, ambitious young college student who, among other things, performs wonders with spreadsheets. When I draw attention to his solo accomplishments, he deflects my praise, saying “we” did it, because “we’re a team!” His humility catches me by surprise, and his unassuming manner reminds me of David in the …

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Stepping Out

When I was a boy living in the panhandle of Florida, my family visited our little beachfront cottage in Gulf Shores, Alabama in the summer. One July evening when there was no moon and calm seas, my dad announced conditions were just right, and we would go floundering that night. Now you may have floundered …

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