Your New ID

The 2.5 Minute Wash

Recently we decided to visit a new automatic car wash. What a cool machine! We drove up to their conveyor, shifted into neutral, then just sat in the car as it pulled us through. After powerful streams of soapy water, we passed through a forest of suspended scrubbing strips, followed by a final rinse and a blow dry so powerful it could have removed loose trim. Supposedly it also cleaned the underbody of the car, and applied wax and “clear coat protectant.” All in 2 1/2 minutes! The car wash provided bays to vacuum the inside ourselves, as well as a washer to feed our floor mats through. By the end our car looked clean and fresh, inside and out!

Perhaps their name, “Living Waters Car Wash,” sparked the thought, but the experience drove home our own frequent need to be cleansed of grime picked up on the road of life. Psalm 23:3 says our Shepherd restores our souls. That’s the part that gets muddied at times (unless your hobby is mud wrestling; then it’s all over you).

When do you know you need a “soul wash”? Consider these three easily-recognized instances.

When you lose your peace

The first sign that something’s amiss with your soul is a loss of peace. A born-again believer’s natural state should be characterized by peace, because that’s something Jesus gave us (John 14:27). You lose your peace when you set your mind on the wrong things and worry. Your outlook has lost its shine and life looks dingy.

When discouragement sets in

Whether prompted by someone’s hurtful words, your own failures, or circumstances you can’t control, on occasions you may find hope ebbing and doubts rising. Your windshield’s dirty and you’ve lost sight of the truth.

When it’s all about you

If you find yourself agitated and your words and motives focus on how you feel, what you want, what you think, then you are encrusted in flesh and need a good scrub.

Once you recognize it’s time for a soul wash, what do you do? Depending on how long you’ve let the crud build up, it may take more than 2 1/2 minutes, but here are some suggestions for a quick soul-restoring wash.

Pray. Quickly stop and lift up your soul to God (Psalm 25:1). It doesn’t have to take long. Stop trying to figure everything out—rely on God instead. Be honest, cast your cares, release control, forgive, ask for His help, then listen (1 Peter 5:6-9). Maybe pray for someone else, too!

Express thanks.Take your focus off the problem(s) and reflect on God’s goodness, how big He is, how nothing is impossible for Him. Acknowledging what He’s done in your life puts things in perspective and helps you see clearly again.

Worship. Just listen to or sing a quick song of praise and worship. It might be a recording, or maybe you play an instrument yourself.

We don’t have to drive through life encumbered by negative thoughts and moodiness.  They can be washed off as quickly as a dirty car.


1 thought on “The 2.5 Minute Wash”

  1. Love this, JB – thanks. Yesterday, I used a power washer for the first time to clean my car. I could use a (Higher) Power wash myself!

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