Your New ID

Month: December 2020

Trail Blazing

Years ago I was not what you would call “pro-exercise.” I even found a supporting verse in the Bible:  For bodily exercise profiteth little: but godliness is profitable unto all things (1 Timothy 4:8a KJV). Clearly, it was better to be godly than a jock. Who wants to sweat, anyway? I mean, isn’t that the …

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JB (the fifth of five kids) and I (an only child) met in a high school Spanish class the second semester of our senior year. We went on one date before graduation. Then my family moved from Pensacola, Florida to Minnesota. I attended college there (at St. Olaf) and JB went to Dartmouth College in …

Impossible? Read More »


Last summer, almost on a whim, I applied for a summer internship at a tech company. My previous job consisted of two parts. The first involved a bit of SalesForce research before uploading documents I digitized. The second required me to call customers month after month, requesting completed paperwork. We’re talking very little brain strain. …

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A Message You Can Trust

At work, I attend multiple meetings focused on internet security and the many precautions necessary these days to protect ourselves and our data. Beyond that, I regularly take short, employee-focused security courses to keep myself informed and alert. After hearing a number of stories involving social engineering, spear phishing, and scams, I began suspecting just …

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A Listening Ear

As I gingerly drove one-handed a week ago, I thought I should be careful to avoid an accident, because that would be no fun at all for someone who already had a broken arm. The very next day, I headed to a store in awful rain. I saw really bad traffic ahead, so I backtracked …

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