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Month: January 2021

Game Over

Your favorite football team is five points behind their opponent in the final 30 seconds of the 4th quarter. While in possession of the ball they are only progressing a few yards at a time, and with the clock rapidly running down, theirs seems to be a lost cause. Opposing fans are beginning to high-five …

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In his early elementary school years, my husband lived in Belgium due to his father’s job. JB played with Belgian children and easily picked up the French language, along with a perfect accent. In college he majored in French and computer science. Years later he drew on those years of language study while interpreting for …

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Heeding God’s Nudges

About four years before my elderly dad died, a young woman approached him after church. With no job and no home other than a motel room, she needed money. True to his kindhearted nature, my dad gladly gave her some cash. Over time their “friendship” continued, with this pitiful woman creating one crisis story after …

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Spitting on Flowers

Years ago I heard about a man who experimented by posting a sign in his garden reading, “DON’T SPIT ON THE FLOWERS!” He wanted to see how the neighboring kids would respond. As he watched out his window, sure enough, some children gathered around his garden, secretly spitting on his flowers, quickly looking around to …

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You Are Well Able!

Times like the start of new year, birthdays, and funerals frequently prompt reflective thinking. They can serve as catalysts for personal change, as we compare our current situation with where we’d like to be.  I used to push New Year’s resolutions. Some years I subjected our whole family to collective half-day goal-setting sessions in early …

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