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God’s Handiwork

As I write this, JB and I are in Moab, Utah. Yesterday we explored Colorado National Monument in Grand Junction, CO and today we experienced Canyonlands National Park here in Utah. Countless times we followed snake-like roads, curving right, then left, then right, then left again through unimpressive, monotonous desert scapes.

Then suddenly we rounded a bend and our jaws dropped. We came face to face with a spectacular, awe-inspiring scene, such as this:

Or this!

And just when we thought God had outdone Himself, we’d see yet another work of divine art.

As we drove to our bed and breakfast this evening I couldn’t help but think of a Bible passage we have framed at home. James 1:20 explains that God has made Himself easily known through His creation. “For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, that is, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, being understood by what has been made, so that they are without excuse.” In other words, when we look at nature and blurt out, “Wow!” We should follow that exclamation with something like, “Amazing job, God!”

While most people never have the opportunity to witness these miles and miles of canyons and rock formations, God’s artistry and genius show up in the smallest places, such as a flowering cactus or lichen on a rock! The world could be black and white and grey, but it’s not! Our brilliant Heavenly Father colored fungus on rocks, butterflies that live in the jungle, deep sea fish the no one even knew about until our lifetime, and wildflowers that grow on mountains that no one but sheep traverse!

Why? Because He can! Because his creativity knows no bounds. And because more than anything, He wants us to know Him–His goodness, His love, His grace that covers a multitude of sins.

If you ever doubt God’s care for you, simply look to nature as Jesus did in Luke 12:27. “Consider the lilies, how they grow: they neither labor nor spin; but I tell you, not even Solomon in all his glory clothed himself like one of these.” God cares enough for flowers that come and go that He dresses them in beautiful colors.

But you hold even higher significance. In Luke 12:6-7 Jesus explains, “Are not five sparrows sold for two cents? Yet not one of them is forgotten before God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows.” You rank far higher than flowers and birds, and God will care for you if you look to Him.

So open your eyes and appreciate the beauty that surrounds you. And then when you look at yourself in the mirror, a person created in God’s image, step back and tell Him, “Wow! Good job, God!” Because You are His handiwork! (Ephesians 2:4-10).

1 thought on “God’s Handiwork”

  1. What a perfectly “ripe” environment for all kinds of spiritual insights, including how one can either focus on what it LACKS (water) instead of what it OFFERS (natural beauty of a dramatic landscape, a cactus blooming, gorgeous skies, etc.) All a matter of what we choose to focus our attention on, right? Thanks!

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