Your New ID

Month: September 2021


When I worked at an insurance company before the pandemic, our branch manager liked to offer snacks as a small token of her appreciation for the employees. Hence, every other Friday we pulled out an old-fashioned popcorn popper. The fragrance it produced wafted through the air, eliciting enthusiastic comments across the office. Looking back, I …

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Getting Older and Growing Up

Some days I’m acutely aware that I’m not twenty-something anymore. The last time I helped someone move (and I do mean the last time, God willing!) I was the self-appointed packer, doing the Tetris thing, filling a U-Haul truck from floor to ceiling. I’d stood far too long precariously perched atop stacked possessions, awkwardly twisting …

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The Bear Necessities

My son Josh and I just returned this week from a wonderful time visiting a couple of our western national parks. We camped in a tent in Yellowstone for six nights, and marveled at steaming thermal springs and mud pots, conical and fountain geysers, torrential waterfalls and prismatic hot springs encircled by a breathtaking rainbow …

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