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Month: December 2021

Who Cares What You Think?

I like to be liked. It’s more enjoyable than not being liked, or worse, hated. And if I’m totally honest, I probably do things on occasion just to score likability points. A bad motivation, I know. But such insecurity is just one more reason I needed a Savior! Speaking of Whom, Jesus was quite the …

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All God Ever Wanted

The other night we watched a movie in which someone challenged the main character to “Prove it!” This skeptical attitude can pop up not only in our interactions with other people, but also with God. The Bible teaches that God loves us and wants to be with us, yet something inside us says, “Prove it!” …

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Two Things

Over many years I became used to my lovely wife turning to me after having thought about matters for a long time, saying, “Two things.” Then she would enlighten me with her insightful thoughts or frighten me with her crazy ideas. It got to where I would put up two fingers when she said it. …

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Made Whole

This morning I took a large drinking glass from our kitchen cabinet. It holds almost a quart and I try to drink at least three glassfuls of water a day to stay hydrated. Thirsty after my morning workout, I turned on the faucet…but my glass wasn’t getting full. I suddenly realized that a stream of …

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