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Month: January 2022

It Is the Lord!

I love John’s post-resurrection account where Peter and his buddies fished all night without success. At dawn, there stood Jesus on the beach. Perhaps He was just too far away to see clearly at that hour, but they didn’t know it was Jesus (despite seeing Him twice since He arose). Since neither Mary nor the …

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No Time for Worry

Years ago JB had a book entitled Getting Things Done, by David Allen. At the time he shared the main idea with me, but neither of us pursued it. Now I’ve rediscovered that book and am a major fan. In it, the author argues that you should never dwell on the same thought twice unless …

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Stations and Suitcases

Building on the truth discussed last week, that God has packed my suitcase as a believer with everything I need, how should I approach a new day? I get the chance to decide the second I wake up in the morning. Am I going to live it as a believer (which means putting faith in …

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Well Equipped

We just got back from a trip last night. Not really a vacation; more like, “Well that was a trip!” We had planned fun days touring and hiking national parks in southern New Mexico and Texas. In spite of recent snow, bitter cold and iffy roads, we completed our journey’s first leg to Albuquerque. We …

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