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Month: February 2022

Unwavering Faith

I was thinking recently about friendship—the most basic underpinning of which is trust. Have you ever had someone you were close to—someone you’d been through a lot with–doubt you? If so, you probably found it hurtful. After all, friends don’t lie to each other—they’re people you can depend on. The thought occurred to me that …

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Fear Extinguishers

I’d just stepped out of the shuttle upon arrival at Logan airport in Boston, my breath visible in the chill air and my mind still spinning after a stressful semester of college. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a distressed lady talking to a seasoned skycap as he tossed luggage onto a …

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Tired of Running?

Recently I had this thought in the shower, “Fear kills productivity.” I recognized a fruitful life forsakes fear and all activity motivated by it. Fear doesn’t add a thing to our experience. In Matthew 6 Jesus noted anxiety never lengthens life. Neither does it contribute to quality of life. Fear is never a happy place; …

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Adventure Awaits!

Sometimes we enjoy ending a busy work week with a relaxed dinner while streaming a movie. Recently I picked an apocalyptic film featuring a well-known actor (the only human in the cast) who scrapes by in the hostile aftermath of a solar flare that compromised earth’s atmospheric protection and destroyed all vegetation. He lived alone …

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