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Month: June 2022

Keeping the Law

The longer I live, the less inclined I am to delve into politics. Too often to my eyes and ears politicians spend most of their time patting themselves on the back and sounding like the “Wah, wah, wah…” of Charlie Brown’s cartoon teacher. I do, however, get excited thinking about law–God’s law, that is–and why …

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“Put your hands up! We’ve got you surrounded!” These words, familiar in films, usually indicate the end of a struggle, a prelude to surrender, where one side has overcome the other. They typically signal victory for one and decisive defeat for the other. And in those where the protagonists find themselves surrounded and the enemy …

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Gazing at Clouds

For whatever reason two little sayings I learned from my dad’s Navy days have stuck with me. The first told the proper way to eat soup! “As little ships sail out to sea, I dip my spoon away from me!” The second explained how sailors used the skies to inform their plans. “Red sky at …

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Roots and Shoots

Last weekend I noticed tall grass growing in a garden where it did not belong, along with an abundance of field bindweed. This noxious and invasive weed is one of the worst in our area, inextricably wrapping itself around adjacent plants like a python capturing prey. I try to pull it up before its flowers …

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