Your New ID

A Well-Watered Garden

A new internet company laid fiber optic cable in our neighborhood last winter, digging deep holes for junction boxes between every home. They eventually came back and patched the grass they’d dug up with new sod around the junction access lids. Walking through our neighborhood this summer, I noticed many of these nicely laid pieces of sod were dead and brown amidst an otherwise green lawn. The new grass didn’t get enough water to get established before temperatures hit the 90s, and the sun baked it.

One year I planted grass seed which I watered frequently and faithfully for two months. Convinced it was well rooted and stable, I stopped the extra watering and let sprinklers water it with the rest of the lawn. After only a few hot days the new grass withered and died! New grass, new seedlings, and new trees all require extra care and watering after planting, especially in hot weather.

Intangible parts of our lives can be just as vulnerable, especially when newly planted. When you receive needed truth from God’s Word, have you ever noticed what happens if you don’t write it down, reflect on it, talk about it, or apply it? Mark 4 describes seed that was sown and sprouted, but because it had developed no strong roots it was scorched by the hot sun and withered away. The devil wants to steal the Word that comes to you, distracting you until it fades from memory and never bears fruit. When instead you water that seed of the Word by meditating on it, talking about it, praying over it, and applying it, you’ll find the truth takes root and brings you freedom, wisdom, and other good things. When was the last time God told you something? What did you do with that?

A few weeks ago I was driving somewhere, preoccupied with various concerns. I realized I wasn’t entirely settled or at peace, but I didn’t know why. All of the sudden a question presented in my mind and I realized God was interrupting my disjointed thoughts.

God: “How would you feel if you weren’t worried about money?”

Me: “Well, I guess I’d probably be a lot more relaxed.”

God: “How about you trust Me for the money you need, and just relax, then?”

I felt an immediate sense of relief at the time, and I carried it with me a couple of days. But I realize now I haven’t reminded myself of that exchange enough. I need to water and nurture that so it takes root in my life.

Perhaps you have something similar.

The Bible tells us to trust God and not worry, to build up our most holy faith, to keep ourselves in the love of God, for a reason! Successful development of any new thinking (or new habits) requires deliberate care and effort to replace the old with the new (Ephesians 4:22-24). But with proper watering and nurture, you’ll see fruit and your life will change for the better!

You will be like a well-watered garden (Isaiah 58:11).

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