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Month: November 2022

Winning Ingredients

Years ago I developed a taste for plain yogurt for breakfast. I mix things with it, but like the taste and the fact that it’s not loaded with added sugar. Since Carrie figured out how to make it from milk and starter yogurt in a crock pot, we’ve been making our own. All it takes …

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Asking the Wrong Question

In The Adventure of Silver Blaze, a Sherlock Holmes short story, the famous detective was drawn to a “curious incident”—a silent dog. This fact, unobserved by everyone else, unlocked the mystery of a missing racehorse. The others’ wrong questions, and the ensuing wrong answers, had resulted in the arrest of an innocent man, and it …

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New Life

The past week offered a study in contrasts. It began with our nephew’s photo welcoming his new baby son into the world and ended with old friends bidding their youngest son goodbye in the wake of a tragic accident. Both scenes occurred in local hospitals, but the accompanying emotions could not have been further apart. …

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A Kind Word

Anxiety weighs down the heart, but a kind word cheers it up (Proverbs 12:25). One day I messaged a coworker and just asked how she was doing. She said it made her day—just that I asked! That stuck out to me. And while it is easy to get wrapped up with myself, I have since …

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