Your New ID

Cookie Dough

One year before Christmas my daughters and I made Christmas cookies–LOTS of cookies! I have no idea what came over me but I felt compelled. For the spritz cookies, we used a cookie press, enabling us to create little shapes and designs with the dough. One nice thing about working with that particular dough was its consistency. If a cookie came out of the press misshapen due to an air bubble, for instance, we tossed that bit of dough back into the bowl to recreate it into a new cookie. The good ones we baked, then decorated with colored icing and sprinkles.

In a sense, our lives are like that cookie dough waiting to reveal God’s creativity. Ephesians 2:10 says, For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them. God has a design in mind for each of us.

However, not all dough has the same consistency. You cannot use Phyllo dough, bagel dough, or oatmeal raisin cookie dough in a cookie press. Those recipes would clog up your gadget. Only a soft, pliable dough will do.

Proverbs 4:23 instructs, Watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flow the springs of life. Our hearts determine our flexibility. So we need to keep our hearts soft and our attitudes flexible for God to lead us into those good works. But how can we recognize the onset of rigidness and catch ourselves losing pliability?

Of course I can look back and see clearly when I’ve been obstinate or dominated by emotions. But I’d rather deal with issues at the front end, before they get out of control. In my own life I’ve come to recognize fear, worry, and pride as the three most frequent ingredients that make my heart stiff or hard, clogging up God’s pipeline.

Fear is paralyzing if allowed to dominate my thoughts and emotions. Reminding myself that I need God’s perspective leads me to pray and helps me relax. In times of fear I can choose to focus on Isaiah 41:10 – Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, I will also help you, I will also uphold you with My righteous right hand. And I know that if I ask, God will give me wisdom (James 1:5).

Worry can repeatedly pop up like lumps in a batter if not dealt with. Meditating on verses like Matthew 6:25-26 and Psalm 55:22 strengthen my heart and mind. The truth is, I choose what to focus on, and whether or not to battle those worrisome thoughts. Focusing on God’s Word keeps me from getting stuck.

Finally, reading the Bible, hearing biblical teaching, and worshiping all help combat the persistent pride that tries to harden my heart. I don’t have to read far or listen long before the mirror of God’s Word reveals my lack of humility. But turning my heart to worship our mighty, glorious, merciful Savior brings me to a beautiful and quieted place, helping me get my thinking back in order.

With all these helpful tools, we can keep our hearts soft and pliable before God. Then we’ll be amazed at the creative ways He shapes our lives, leading us into places and roles we never would have imagined.

1 thought on “Cookie Dough”

  1. Wonderful, Carrie! Thanks so much for your creative way of expressing what (and who) we are created for and how best to keep ourselves ready for the Potter’s wheel.

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