Your New ID

Month: March 2023


After home group recently, I mentioned to my friend, DeeDee, having had some work-related stress and she asked, “Are you remembering to breathe?” (Meaning, was I paying attention to how I was breathing?) Was it unconscious short, shallow breaths of the anxious, busy, and preoccupied, or was it deliberate, deeper breathing— bringing a sense of …

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One Constant

It’s time for March weather: In like a lion and out like a lamb– or so they taught me in elementary school. In line with its predisposition toward unexpected changes, Colorado’s weather always keeps people guessing, and not just in March. One past September, Denver temperatures reached 102 over Labor Day weekend, and we woke …

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Making Room

My wife and I are different, which is a very good thing. She likes a room to have… well, room. While I have often seen space as something to fill with stuff, Carrie finds “open and airy” peaceful and refreshing, and she disdains clutter. In my hurry I sometimes lay an object down in a …

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