Last week as I exited airport security and reached the gates, I heard the last call for a flight to my hometown. Now my ticket was for a flight two hours later, but it occurred to me maybe I could get home earlier. I went to the counter and explained that I was booked on a later flight, but wondered if there was availability on this one. The airline representative said, “No, this flight is closed. It’s just about to leave!” I said, “OK, thank you,” and walked away. I’d not gone more than six or seven steps before the woman suddenly called out to me, “Sir? Give me your ID.” As I turned back, she said, “Give me your ID. I’m going to try to get you on this flight.” She typed away for a minute, then said, “OK— You’re on. Go to gate 17, NOW.”
Understand, this flight was fully boarded, and by this time it was eight minutes before departure. I went to the gate without a boarding pass. After a quick call, the gate attendant said, “OK, I can see you’re on the flight, just show me your ID.” Then he pointed me down the empty ramp and onto the plane, where I found a lone vacant window seat at the back, next to a couple. As it turned out, I got into a conversation with the husband that lasted the entire flight, and what he shared helped me with a big concern I had just talked to my boss about the night before! It was very encouraging.
Now what were the chances of getting on a flight like that—one I was not booked on— just 8-10 minutes before takeoff? I’ve never seen anything like it. But I’d cleared security and heard the “last call” announcement at just the right time, and on an apparent whim, thought I’d go for it. Then an agent who’d given me a definite “no” suddenly had a change of heart and put me on that plane, where I had what felt like a God-ordained conversation that helped lift a burden I’d been carrying for some time.

The Bible says God leads His children: “
For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God” (Romans 8:14). Jesus told Nicodemus, “
The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit” (John 3:8). Proverbs 16:9 tells us, “
The mind of man plans his way, but the LORD directs his steps.” What seemed like a random idea to me, a whim, and a gate agent having a 180-degree change of heart, put me in a conversation where I heard something I needed to hear.
God has many times lead me to the right place at the right time to help or learn from others. Life with God is an exciting life—and He wants to lead us every day by His Spirit, and can freely do so as we submit our lives and wills to Him.
If we’re willing to listen, the Holy Spirit has great plans for us – that’s pretty exciting!
Praying for you today.