Your New ID


We took off over a month from writing this blog due to unexpected changes in our lives. As is His style, God is working it all together for good. But my (Carrie’s) mom suddenly landed in the hospital in her home state. Within two whirlwind weeks (for which I flew there), she got a pacemaker and traveled to enter rehab near our home. Soon she’ll permanently reside in assisted living there. Four years short of 100, she is amazingly strong, flexible, and sharp, and we’re grateful she independently decided to make this big move. But it’s required a major change in our schedule to handle all the logistics. (Imagine moving someone into their college dorm room with a few days’ notice!)

JB and I therefore pondered the question of how to stay at peace when life is incredibly busy. All I knew to do was to look to Jesus. Much of His time on earth involved people from all walks of life frequently asking and even requiring things of Him. He faced gale-force storms, angry crowds, confused disciples, the ailing sick, and hungry throngs. Yet he handled every situation with grace. How?

The key lies in a habit Jesus practiced that we often overlook. Someone recently pointed out to me this seemingly insignificant aspect of Jesus’s life. Most sermons emphasize His teaching, many works of healing, miracles, and acts of service. But what energized and fueled Him was time alone!

One of our sons is keenly interested in personality types. And some might try to pin a specific label on Jesus. But it’s more likely that He drew on whatever personality strength was needed at the time. However, even on days when He behaved like an outgoing person, He made time alone with the Father a high priority—even if it meant getting up early. He relished those times of fellowship with Father God.

Jesus recognized the need for rest. The physical demands of ministry took such a toll on His body that He fell asleep in a boat and would have slept through a raging storm had the panicking disciples not woken Him. His body, His mind, and His soul needed to recharge. Are we that self aware, or do we plow through life, day after day, determined to “get things done” while ignoring our own needs? This is where we found ourselves over the past few weeks. And eventually we took control of our own schedules, sleeping late when we needed to catch up on rest. We made time to read the Word and to listen to uplifting messages, and we snatched moments of quietness with the Father.

Jesus summarized this priority of rest beautifully in Matthew 11:28-30. “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” He wants us to take the time, make the time, to rest in Him. When we take our busyness to Him and ask Him for strength, refreshing, and wisdom, He is always willing and eager to provide everything we need.

1 thought on “Rest”

  1. Wonderful reminder, Carrie – thanks. Glad ya’ll are taking time and space to “recharge” your batteries after all the activity.

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