Your New ID


My life has changed dramatically over the past three years. My first career was as a full-time mom/household executive. When our youngest finished the first half of high school I felt change stirring in my heart. Over many months and a series of unpredictable, unprecedented circumstances, I eventually landed a job that I love in the Cloud software industry.

One “side hobby” I enjoy at work is observing people: coworkers, clients, leaders. I learn so much from them. One common theme I see, however, is overcommitment: people working through lunch breaks, not taking vacation, and keeping long “To Do” lists. Some wear their busy-ness like a badge of honor, expecting others to salute their self-imposed time restraints. That mindset is contagious and sometimes J.B. has to remind me to take my own breaks.

Our generation has the best technology, tools, and appliances the world can offer. Yet it seems the faster we go (technologically) the “behinder” we get (spiritually).

Mom-hood, especially with babies and toddlers, was a 24/7 job. I often used that as an excuse not to invest in my spiritual life. Looking back, had I recognized that true health involves giving the whole person (spirit, soul, and body)  the right “food” and rest, I would have made different choices. Now that our kids are grown, demands on my time have changed. And if I’m not careful, the evenings sometimes fly by! Yet I alone choose how to spend the hours I have outside working, sleeping, cooking, and cleaning.

Time is our most valuable resource, one that cannot be regained. Once spent, it’s gone. If we don’t carefully set our priorities, we may come to the end of our lives wondering where the time went.

When we stay overly busy, we lose the chance to reflect, to rejuvenate, and to enjoy life. The Bible teaches the importance of meditating on the Word and spending time with God. But when we strive to follow a packed calendar, pushing ourselves to the point of exhaustion, how can we possibly hear God? We barely have time to think!

Keeping us busy is a classic scheme of the devil to prevent us from fostering our most important relationship. God wants to share His peace with us, to answer our questions, to calm our fears, and to tell us that He loves us. And that takes time to hear and to absorb.

Psalm 46:10 encourages,“Be still, and know that I am God.” But who has time to be still? Our whole society is busy, after all!

Paul shared the key to this dilemma in Philippians 3:20: For our citizenship is in heaven… We have dual citizenship as believers and can embrace the lifestyle of our heavenly home and live according to its priorities instead of our culture’s. First and foremost that means letting the peace of Christ rule in our hearts (Colossians 3:15).

So during this busy season, choose wisely. Grab the reins of your calendar and regain control of your schedule. Most importantly, remember your ultimate home, get to know Your King, and be led by peace.


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