Your New ID

Case Closed

To love my neighbor as myself, the implication’s clear;
It will not work to hate myself, to be of any cheer.
What does it take to reconcile conflicts hid deep within?
How do I mute that voice inside, accusing me again?

That critic harsh knows me too well; and crouching, lies in wait
Until a time that’s opportune to spotlight faults innate.
Each accusation stands the test; I can’t deny they’re true.
The prosecution rests its case, it’s scored another coup.

Of course I’ve really tried myself, ‘twas I who served as judge.
In every trial, I seem to lose. This heavy weight won’t budge.
Each summons dark bids me to shift a shade toward misanthrope.
How can I e’er escape and flee this darkness without hope?

“Come unto Me,” the Master calls— “the weary I give rest.
Lay down your insufficiency; set free in Me, you’re blessed!
My sacrifice has paid the price for your ev’ry misdeed;
In Me You’ll find a brand new mind. There’s nothing else you need!”

As I take note of what saints wrote, I learn I’m under grace.
I’ve been made clean, my sins are gone—in His eyes, there’s no trace!
The judgments rendered on my flesh? My flesh was never good!
That that’s no longer who I am, I’d never understood.

The old has gone, and in its place I’ve been made someone new!
And in this new identity, there’s cure for life askew;
As I perceive who Father sees, a much-loved child, hard won—
I’ve nought to prove! None can remove my standing in His Son.

Ha! Now within Accuser’s voice I hear a trembling tone
He knows the game is up because I’ve come into my own!
No longer will I bow my head when he begins to damn.
No, looking him straight in the eye, I’ll tell him who I am!

Bought by the blood, redeemed from sin, approved and God’s delight,
Made righteous and complete in Him, I’m holy in His sight!
What’s not to like? God’s on my side! So devil, time to flee.
And from this place I’ll rest my case—I’m now at peace— with me.

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