Your New ID

More Than Enough

As I looked out our window one recent evening, layers of billowy clouds fringed with light from the setting sun reminded me of Psalm 113:3, that says from the rising of the sun to its setting, the name of the Lord is to be praised. When we awake in the morning, we can choose our outlook on the day.

Sometimes in that early morning time when I first start to wake up, the enemy tries to assail me with worry or dread—one form of fear or another. The devil wants to rob us of joy and peace, and if he can get us off on the wrong foot before we are even aware of what’s going on, he will. That’s why the Bible describes him as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. Those who do not humble themselves and cast their cares on their loving Father, knowing He cares for them, are fair game (1 Peter 5:6-9). One great way to resist those fear-mongering lies is starting off with praise and thanksgiving right there in bed, reflecting on God’s goodness and faithfulness (Psalm 100:4-5). He got you through yesterday and He will bring you through today.

I felt a bit anxious in advance of some challenging meetings coming up at work last week. So I prayed beforehand, entrusting the conversations to God, and He gave me the words I needed and favor. I realized afterward with chagrin that my worry was entirely unnecessary! Psalm 5:12 says He surrounds us with favor as with a shield. In the fear of the Lord is strong confidence; in the fear of man, there is none.

God tells me in His Word not to be anxious about anything, to refuse to let my heart be troubled or afraid.  But sometimes I forget. I get my eyes on the circumstances and they somehow loom larger to me than God at that moment. God didn’t change; I choose to hand over the reins of my mind to the enemy. If I’m alert enough, I can recognize when I’ve done that because I lose my peace. I can grab the reins back before the devil yells “Giddy up!” and takes my imagination on a wild and cruel ride, as he will do given the opportunity. This is what it means to guard one’s heart with all diligence (Proverbs 4:23).

God’s perfect love casts out fear. And Psalm 52 tells us that the loving-kindness of God endures all day long. His love never fails! Sufficient for every situation, that love poured out by the Holy Spirit in our hearts is more than enough to overcome any obstacle that may present itself. When we keep His love in view and walk in His truth, when we set the Lord always before us, we will not be shaken (Psalm 16:8, 26:3).

All through the day we can thank God for His love, goodness, faithfulness, and His abundant grace—always at hand for us to draw upon, more than sufficient for every situation. Hallelujah!

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