Your New ID


When I worked at an insurance company before the pandemic, our branch manager liked to offer snacks as a small token of her appreciation for the employees. Hence, every other Friday we pulled out an old-fashioned popcorn popper. The fragrance it produced wafted through the air, eliciting enthusiastic comments across the office. Looking back, I realize that not only did I gain some office skills during that time, but I learned to appreciate that tasty snack!

Maybe that’s why I sit here eating popcorn–now a staple in my diet. Not the microwave kind with fake butter flavor and preservatives. Not the pastel-colored, candy-coated, sweet stuff. I like the air-popped kind with a drizzle of real butter and a dash of salt. Of course popcorn serves as the perfect base for all sorts of flavors, but only after it pops!

Someone who had never seen or eaten popcorn would identify the unpopped kernels as seeds, which they are. But the potential those seeds hold rivals that of almost any other seed. They simply need a steady source of heat to morph them into an edible form.

People remind me of popcorn kernels. God sends the warmth of His love blowing over each person. Some allow that love to change their identity. It transforms their lives, turning them inside out, softening their hearts. Others welcome His love into the one or two parts of their lives they deem most needy, while the remaining areas maintain a hard exterior. I call them “half-popped”. Yet others refuse His love altogether. They feel quite capable of living without it and remain unchanged. And sadly, in God’s cosmic popper far too many kernels remain unpopped.

When I eat popcorn I try to avoid those unpopped kernels. Biting them hurts my teeth and jaw. And if I chew on a half-popped kernel unknowingly, I’m greatly disappointed. It may have looked like a fully popped kernel at first glance, but the truth soon becomes evident.

As with popcorn kernels, God sees the potential in all of us. He longs to see us “pop” and then to infuse us with an endless variety of flavors to feed a spiritually starving world. Then He wants us sharing our unique flavor with those around us. You might taste like butter or caramel, cheese or jalapeño, dark chocolate or strawberry champagne! Somewhere someone is waiting to witness your heavenly transformation. And they’re longing to experience the special scent that will draw them into the warmth of God’s love where they, too, can be transformed.

As Paul explains in 2 Corinthians 2:15, “For we are a fragrance of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing.” Each individual makes a personal choice. Yet even more than getting to taste fully popped popcorn, everyone deserves a chance to witness the transformative power of God’s love. Allow God’s love to “pop” every area of your life, and then let those around you witness that transformation!

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