Your New ID

Find Your Creativity

After having been a “household executive” for over three decades, I started looking for a job. Entering this new season required new information, and that meant research. I found various online assessments to help narrow down the type of job I might find most suitable. One test began with this question: Are you a thing person, a people person, or an idea person? (Apparently each of us has greater natural abilities in one of those three areas.) I answered in less than three seconds. Most naturally I gravitate toward ideas. While I find people interesting, I can never think of as much to talk about as “people people.” As for things, any employer would quickly spot my ineptitude with machinery or anything involving manual dexterity.

Then I realized something about those three areas of natural gifting. Each one of us is creative because we were made in the image of The Creator! In Genesis 1:26 God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” And our creativity shines most in the area of our greatest natural strength.

What does that look like in Scripture and in our lives?

First, thing people enjoy working with their hands. 1 Kings 5-6 and 2 Chronicles 2-7 tell how artisans skilled in working with metal, wood, stone, and textiles helped build the temple. The Proverbs 31 woman sold hand-crafted belts and beautiful clothing. We know Jesus was skilled in carpentry. The thing people I know work magic with plants, decorate award-worthy cakes, crochet, sew beautiful garments, or produce a variety of arts and crafts.

In contrast, people people enjoy other people! Such traits as persuasion, charisma, and sincere caring shone forth in Deborah, Moses, David, Nehemiah, and Queen Esther. Against all odds they led God’s people out of unjust situations and into victory. Paul commended Priscilla and Aquila as helpful, skilled, and valuable teachers and leaders. And Jesus naturally drew followers, amazing His hearers every time He spoke. Perfect love enveloped His every word! Some people people in my life lead Scout troops, plan social events, excel in sales, own restaurants, and run small businesses.

Finally, idea people enjoy working with thoughts, concepts, and theories. Just read Proverbs to glean wisdom from Solomon, a man who spent a great deal of time simply thinking! Some said of Paul, in 2 Corinthians 10:10, “His letters are weighty and strong, but his personal presence is unimpressive and his speech contemptible.” Fortunately his idea skills outweighed his in-person command of a room. And of course Jesus had the biggest idea: Forgiveness for all who would believe through the sacrifice of one man! The idea people I admire author books and screenplays, design buildings, solve problems, and write music. (I can’t imagine life without Beethoven and Mozart!)

God values creativity in each arena. In which does your creativity most easily flow? Lean into that and bless the world with your gifts!

1 thought on “Find Your Creativity”

  1. Thank you, Carrie – I hadn’t thought of these things (things, people, ideas) as they related to areas of creativity before.

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