Your New ID


“Put your hands up! We’ve got you surrounded!” These words, familiar in films, usually indicate the end of a struggle, a prelude to surrender, where one side has overcome the other. They typically signal victory for one and decisive defeat for the other. And in those where the protagonists find themselves surrounded and the enemy takes no captives, they may choose to fight to the death rather than capitulate.

In a late scene at the conclusion of Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings trilogy, Aragorn and his small army are hopelessly outnumbered and encircled by their foes in the Battle of the Black Gate. Just as they make their last stand, courageously charging their enemies in what could end in nothing but defeat, something extraordinary happens. The power behind the dark forces before them is shattered, and the Eye of Sauron, darting furtively back and forth, topples with its crumbling tower as Frodo and Sam’s desperate mission succeeds and the One Ring dissolves in Mount Doom’s lava. Suddenly the ground shakes, and the surrounding enemies withdraw and scatter in confusion, some swallowed up by fissures that open in the ground. It was miraculous!

It looked hopeless for the disciples of Jesus when He was led away and crucified. When the stone sealed His tomb, it appeared it was all over. But Jesus rose from the dead. The ground shook, many other graves were opened and dead people rose from the sheer power that was released at His resurrection. It was a miracle—and the tide turned against all the forces of evil from that moment.

Yet sometimes our enemy tries to convince us that he’s got us surrounded, as he gets us to focus on discouraging circumstances in our lives, on our failures, loneliness, or sense of inadequacy.

Once the Old Testament prophet Elisha and his servant were surrounded by the Syrian army at Dothan. There was no way out, and his servant despaired. But Elisha saw something his companion didn’t, and he prayed God would open his servant’s eyes to see how their enemy was surrounded by a much larger heavenly army. And the ending was far different than expected! (Read all about it in 2 Kings 6.)

The enemy wants you to think he’s got you surrounded and he tempts you to get into fear. But for those who put their faith in Jesus, the devil has been a defeated foe ever since Jesus died and rose again. Instead, God surrounds you and protects you as you go through life. Think on these verses:

As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds His people (Psalm 125:2).

You have encircled me behind and in front, and placed Your hand upon me. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me (Psalm 139:5-6).

God’s got you surrounded! Put your hands up in grateful praise! Surrender to His goodness and find rest in His love for you today. The Holy Spirit came to abide with you forever, and Jesus said He would be with you always. Never buy the lie that you are alone. God is with you!

1 thought on “Surrounded!”

  1. We have a choice of who we will surrender to – the Prince of This World, or the Prince of Peace. Choose wisely!

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