Your New ID

Carrie McKoy


We took off over a month from writing this blog due to unexpected changes in our lives. As is His style, God is working it all together for good. But my (Carrie’s) mom suddenly landed in the hospital in her home state. Within two whirlwind weeks (for which I flew there), she got a pacemaker …

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Always Learning

Do you ever get annoyed when it turns out you were wrong? I find my assumptions, conclusions, and guesses to be wrong more often than I’d like. It’s humbling. In the business world, one “soft skill” employers like to see in a prospective employee is a willingness to learn. I’m sorry to say that for …

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Clean Slate

What does the name Thomas Edison bring to mind? Or Abraham Lincoln? How would you describe Walt Disney, Lucille Ball, or Michael Jordan? If you read their biographies, you’ll find they all had one thing in common—multiple failures! Yet when someone mentions a name like Oprah Winfrey, no one says, “Oh, you mean that woman …

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Last year I found myself getting bored at work. I had been at the bottom of the totem pole in my department and was itching for a new challenge. But there didn’t appear to be any way up or out of that role. I had conversations with my manager (who is wonderful, by the way) …

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The Elephant in The Room

In 1872, John Godfrey Saxe wrote a poem entitled The Blind Men and the Elephant in which six blind sages each describe their wildly divergent conclusions after encountering an elephant. The last two stanzas read: And so these men of Indostan Disputed loud and long, Each in his own opinion Exceeding stiff and strong, Though …

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A Dental Easter

Maybe because I just had two molar implants, I’ve got teeth on my mind. I even thought of a New Testament truth related to the dental world, in fact. But first, let’s talk teeth. When children reach the age of six they start to lose their baby teeth. Their original teeth get loose and fall …

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Creative Creator

One of our kids would point to my personality type as the culprit, but for whatever reason, I like to think outside the box. While all our kids are musically and/or artistically creative, I tend toward creative thoughts. I find myself asking why things are always done a certain way. It’s fun to come up …

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To Be or Not To Be

JB and I met in a high school Spanish class. We students jokingly referred to our teacher as la bruja (the witch) even though she was the sweetest marshmallow of a Cuban lady you could ever hope to meet. And I honestly don’t remember much of what she taught us because I’ve had little reason …

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A little over a year ago, our daughter married a wonderful young man. They chose to have a small ceremony with mainly family in attendance. We celebrated with them and enjoyed watching their beaming faces during the reception. Couples prepare far in advance for their wedding day, choosing the church, the decorations, the bridal gown …

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While living in South Florida over two decades ago, I often saw a bony-legged young woman briskly walking down long stretches of road. Her determined stride and gaunt appearance revealed her inner struggle. After moving to Colorado, I repeatedly noticed a tall, emaciated woman swiftly ambling down the path behind our house. She wore a …

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