Your New ID

Carrie McKoy

You’re in the Army, Part 1

After crossing the Jordan River and entering into the Promised Land, the Israelites soon saw the walled city of Jericho, a veritable fortress, imposing and impenetrable. The scene looked impossible and yet God told Joshua that they would take the city. His grand scheme: they’d march around the city for seven days with seven priests carrying seven rams’ horns. …

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Not Merely a Fan

Some people follow sports passionately. Zealous football fans buy season tickets, wear jerseys, carry posters, paint their faces, buy bumper stickers, yell at the top of their lungs during the opposing team’s huddle, and maybe even appear on TV during a game. It feels great to be a fan, no matter our country or favorite sport, especially …

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It’s Only a Shadow

Have you ever made shadow puppets? It’s easy to create a shadow resembling a duck, rabbit, dove, or swan. Young children find this skill entertaining and fascinating. If they tried to cuddle that duck or rabbit, however, they’d be sorely disappointed, realizing the puppeteer used only hands and not actual animals. The Old Testament is …

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The Head-Heart Connection

Do you find any foods particularly bothersome? Spicy foods cause some people heartburn. Others can’t drink caffeine at night without experiencing insomnia. A few get headaches after ingesting sweets. These foods enter our mouths but affect other parts of our bodies. Similarly, what we allow to linger in our minds, “chewing” and “digesting” those thoughts, …

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Sloppy Joes

These are crazy times and it would be easy to slip into a negative mindset. That’s why I so appreciate those who bring levity to the situation. The other day I saw a spoof article featuring a man sitting at his home office desk, wearing a headset and using his computer. He was well groomed, …

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As a youngster, one of our sons closed his eyes tightly when sneaking a cookie, reasoning that if he couldn’t see us, we couldn’t see him! We understood his rationale–“hiding” what his hand was doing. Though cute, he was wrong. When we know we’re in the wrong, we hide it. We find this human reaction …

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The Sorcerer’s Apprentice

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, in his ballad “Der Zauberlehrling”, never intended to demonstrate a biblical truth. Neither did Walt Disney in his cartoon interpretation, The Sorcerer’s Apprentice. But the story portrays an amazing reality. At the cartoon’s start, Mickey Mouse tires of having to carry water for his master, so he dons the Sorcerer’s cap and magically …

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A Silver Platter

In almost every room of our house we display butterflies my husband artistically framed in shadow boxes. Our kids have observed, heard about, and learned way more about butterflies than the average person because of my husband’s past related business. Once when the kids were young, we watched a caterpillar form its chrysalis. When hatching day …

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We often leave a puzzle sitting out on a table at our house. It’s fun being able to take a break now and then, stopping to fill in a few more pieces of the picture. My favorite puzzles are from paintings that include scenes with people milling about doing various tasks. Most of them are …

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