Your New ID

Carrie McKoy

Becoming Yogurt

Whether or not we realize it, we become like those we hang around. It’s true spiritually and it’s true with yogurt! A few years ago I started making yogurt. People have done this for generations, but I’d never been taught. After reading various recipes and tips (and drumming up enough gumption), I finally tried my …

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Last week JB and I hiked Deer Creek Canyon. We enjoy the trails in this park because of the lovely vistas and quiet solitude. Due to unmelted snow and ice on our “regular” trail, we chose a different route. And while hiking we came across an unexpected sight. The first thing we noticed were a …

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Rule Breakers

Rules. There’s something about them that makes us want to break them. But if you’re an NFL player and you break a rule, it can cost you big bucks! For instance, physical contact with an official costs a player $35,096 for the first offense and $70,194 for the second! (It’s a lot cheaper to simply …

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Wear Your Helmet, Dude!

When I see motorcyclists riding without helmets I wonder why they have such disregard for their brains. I assumed riding without a helmet was illegal, until I recently read that neither federal law nor the laws of 31 states require it. Leather pants and jackets, once popular biker protection, seem to have disappeared like the …

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What’s in Your Mailbox?

This time of year Americans are especially excited to see what’s in the mail, hoping for personal letters and gifts. In my elementary school years, my grandmother sometimes sent us a coffee can full of homemade Christmas cookies. I now love receiving Christmas cards and photos from longtime friends and family. And it’s a great time …

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In Honor of My Dad

My dad passed away on Friday, December 6, 2019. We’re attending two memorial services for him, one military and one Lutheran, the day this is posted. And although this is twice the length of our normal posts, I thought I’d pass along what I will be sharing in hopes that it might encourage you in …

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Peter once asked Jesus, “How many times must I forgive my brother? Seven times?” I thought this a funny question for Peter to ask, given his brash, bossy, driven ways– prone to put his foot in his mouth. That zealous personality probably helped his fishing business, enabling him to command his fishing crew and sell …

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Lost in Translation

When learning a language one must start with the basics in order to speak like someone from another country. Romance languages, based on Latin, are the easiest because we find so many consistencies. Spanish is probably the simplest. Once you learn its alphabet you can correctly pronounce any word in that language! The letter A …

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No Substitutes

Occasionally I find myself without a specific ingredient while cooking. At such times I look for a substitute. The recipe might not turn out exactly the same, but I’m not a purist so I don’t worry about it. Some substitutions are easy. For example, if I’m out of red onions I’ll substitute Vidalias, dried onions, …

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Stop That Train!

Decades ago, before space travel and technology flooded the American film scene, motion pictures about the Old West often included trains. The peak of tension in such action-adventure movies occurred when a train wreck looked inevitable because some bad guys had taken out the conductor. This left the locomotive with no one to control it …

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