Your New ID

Carrie McKoy


At times on walks around the neighborhood we hear the sound of a hummingbird. Our area is home to the broad-tailed hummingbird, the male of which makes a unique trilling noise while in flight. On rare occasions we might spot the bird feeding on flowers or resting on a branch. But more often we only …

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Victory over Temptation

Last week I had a bone density test due to my doctor’s insistence. Before starting the test, the technician weighed me, and I was shocked and alarmed to hear that I weighed almost ten pounds more than I thought I did. For years I had not weighed myself because it had become a frustrating and …

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Time for You!

For the next quarter at work, my small department plans to conduct an experiment. Since our jobs are often reactive in nature, we tend to handle individual tasks upon notification of assignment, prompting frequent interruptions. Research indicates it’s inefficient to switch one’s attention between tasks, and with requests coming from multiple higher-ups, it gets stressful …

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Guilt and Shame

Years ago, a cartoon pictured a psychologist telling a patient, “Mr. Figby, I think I can explain your feelings of guilt. You’re guilty!” Like it or not, we’re all guilty. According to Romans 3:23, All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. We don’t need to refer to the Ten Commandments to …

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Sunsets and Waves

Psalm 65:8 They who dwell in the ends of the earth stand in awe of Your signs; You make the dawn and the sunset shout for joy. Psalm 19:1 The heavens are telling of the glory of God; And their expanse is declaring the work of His hands. Psalm 46:10 “Cease striving and know that …

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One Constant

It’s time for March weather: In like a lion and out like a lamb– or so they taught me in elementary school. In line with its predisposition toward unexpected changes, Colorado’s weather always keeps people guessing, and not just in March. One past September, Denver temperatures reached 102 over Labor Day weekend, and we woke …

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Twisting the Truth

I receive weekly notices from an online neighborhood forum. These include anything from owners searching for lost dogs to people looking for a good dentist. But sometimes neighbors warn others about scams. Examples abound, but scammers often use a recent event (natural disasters, political turmoil, or social causes) to to tug on heart strings. While …

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Enamored with the Box

Last year our trusty, 30-year-old chest freezer finally gave up the ghost. We bought a smaller upright freezer—which came in a large cardboard box. Instead of tossing the box, we decided to rest it on its side and see if our grandson might enjoy playing in it. Sure enough, it was a big hit! At …

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Truth and Love

One day Jesus led his disciples through Samaria, a route these young men would have otherwise avoided. In their generations-old hostility toward Samaritans (half-breeds whose worship practices defied God’s law) the Jews prided themselves on being “right.” While Jesus rested beside a well, He sent the disciples to purchase some food. They returned later, appalled …

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Cookie Dough

One year before Christmas my daughters and I made Christmas cookies–LOTS of cookies! I have no idea what came over me but I felt compelled. For the spritz cookies, we used a cookie press, enabling us to create little shapes and designs with the dough. One nice thing about working with that particular dough was …

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