Your New ID

Carrie McKoy

History Lesson

In a twist on the famous quote, Desmond Tutu once said, “We learn from history that we don’t learn from history!” In other words, humans keep making the same mistakes. A recent reading in 2 Chronicles highlighted this truth for me. After King Solomon’s death, Israel divided into two separate entities, the southern and northern …

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Beyond Time

I recently had a cyst removed from my jawbone. The oral surgery took less than an hour, and I woke from the general anesthesia surprised at how swiftly those sixty minutes went by. My sense of time differed from the doctor’s because he was conscious of its passing while I was not. We travel through …

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As part of my job, I attend monthly meetings with IT providers from all over North America. Their unique personalities intrigue me and I learn something new at each group’s gatherings. When put on the spot or held accountable to a previous commitment, they respond in interesting ways. Some stay silent until forced to answer. …

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God’s Handiwork

As I write this, JB and I are in Moab, Utah. Yesterday we explored Colorado National Monument in Grand Junction, CO and today we experienced Canyonlands National Park here in Utah. Countless times we followed snake-like roads, curving right, then left, then right, then left again through unimpressive, monotonous desert scapes. Then suddenly we rounded …

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Meeting Needs

The 1991 movie “What About Bob?” depicts a neurotic, obsessive-compulsive man who latches onto his therapist. In desperation, after countless pleading phone calls, Bob cunningly tracks down this therapist, who thought he’d escaped on a peaceful family vacation. As the therapist tries to shake off his clingy, high-maintenance patient, Bob begs, “Gimme! Gimme! I need! …

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The Experts

If you did an online search for “Experts get it wrong,” you’d find a list of times throughout history when “experts” drew wrong conclusions and made false predictions based on misinterpreting the facts or a lack of information. In 1959 the U.S. Postmaster General declared, “Before man reaches the moon, mail will be delivered within …

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Although I avoid sewing at all costs, I find buttons fun. Whether plastic, glass, wooden, brass, or covered in fabric, each has a little story to tell. Affixed to white cards, hanging on display racks, their bright colors and textures draw my interest. And all mixed up in a bag or jar, with dozens of …

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The Highest Praise!

What is the most awe-inspiring sight you have ever seen? I’ve been to Niagara Falls, walked through a glacier in Switzerland, and visited the Sistine Chapel. I remember once boarding an aircraft carrier and its size freaked me out. But none of that compares with what happened to Israel at the dedication of Solomon’s temple. …

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The Wealthiest Man

I’ve never watched Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous. But I have heard of celebrities installing gold bathroom faucets, purchasing fleets of expensive cars, or sporting diamonds on their teeth! Even “celebrity pastors” fall prey to the lure of opulence, with mansions and private jets. I wonder what they hope to gain by spending so …

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Digging Deep

When our three oldest sons were young, I gave them a set of colorful bandannas. They wore these in various ways, depending on that day’s particular imaginary adventure. When wearing them loosely around the front and tied behind the neck, the brothers became cowboys. Pulling the bandannas up to cover their mouths and noses (as …

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