Your New ID

Carrie McKoy

“Then Said Guy…”

As the parents of six kids, we sometimes found it difficult to appreciate their cleverness or cuteness at the time. That’s why we captured some of those special moments to enjoy later. We have hours of videos filled with birthdays, Christmases, dance recitals, cross country meets, Boy Scouts, marching band competitions, etc. But my favorites …

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Sunlight and Water

We grow a variety of flowers and vegetables every summer–thanks to my husband. But my sister-in-law surpasses our collection with her veritable botanical garden. These two green-thumbed siblings amaze me with their gift of gardening. Yet even I, the weakest gardener among us three, know the two key factors to successful gardening: sunlight and water. …

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What’s Under Your Microscope?

I Chronicles 16:24-26 Tell of His glory among the nations, His wonderful deeds among all the peoples. For great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised; He also is to be feared above all gods. For all the gods of the peoples are idols, But the Lord made the heavens. The Bible calls all of this world’s gods mere idols–but the Lord, who made the …

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You never know what a day may bring. We’ve experienced that truth over the past few months. When COVID hit, our youngest daughter’s college closed its doors and she moved back home. One month later our oldest daughter, suddenly faced with drastic and undesirable changes to her living situation, also moved back home. I rearranged …

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Plastic Wrap Love

From over 30 years’ experience, I’ve noticed we can learn many lessons in the kitchen if we’ll pay attention. For instance, have you thought much about plastic wrap? Alone, its flimsy floppiness appears virtually useless. And left to its own devices, it mostly sticks to itself. Or, as if it had a mind of its …

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Equal to Thousands

Some of our family enjoys movies based on Marvel comic book characters. Ironman, Thor, Spider-Man, Captain America — these superheroes use superhuman power to fight bad guys. And while we see their flaws, we still root for them to win. They inspire us to keep going when the going gets tough. Did you know that …

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God’s Part and Our Part

This summer I work with a bright, ambitious young college student who, among other things, performs wonders with spreadsheets. When I draw attention to his solo accomplishments, he deflects my praise, saying “we” did it, because “we’re a team!” His humility catches me by surprise, and his unassuming manner reminds me of David in the …

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In the Beginning

With growing season in full swing, we spend many hours weeding, planting, and watering our lovely flowers and (struggling) lawn. Spending time outdoors invigorates our souls and brings us joy. And Genesis 1:1 tells us where gardening began: In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. From this verse and the rest of …

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Moving On

I recently read an article about former coach of the Miami Dolphins, Don Shula. To date, he holds the NFL record for most career wins—347 over a 32 season period. He led his team to two Super Bowl victories, one of which came after coaching them through the only perfect season in NFL history. Apparently …

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We once owned a Fisher-Price Corn Popper toy. When our two-year-old Jeremy rolled it across the floor, the balls inside the clear dome popped up like popcorn. But he called it his ‘lawn mower’ because that’s what he thought it looked like. So one day he asked if he could take it in the back …

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