Your New ID

J.B. McKoy

Instant On

In the mid 90s, I attended Microsoft’s Windows Hardware Engineering conference (WinHec). Bill Gates spoke in person and I recall his talking about an initiative to make computers start up much faster than they did at the time. It usually took several minutes to get a PC up and running after flipping the switch, and …

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There’s a scene in one of my favorite old movies, Joe vs the Volcano, where the main character is on a raft in the middle of the Pacific Ocean after his ship sank. It’s nighttime and having gone without food or water, he seems on the verge of death. As a huge full moon rises …

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Office Space

Occasionally I’ll have a dream from which I almost awaken laughing, and I had one of those last night. I saw a series of business offices. In the first, a man was gesticulating with his arms to emphasize the spaciousness of his office. Another, during a meeting with a visitor, showed off the size of …

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As we waited to board a flight a couple of months ago, I noticed that the airline employee giving intercom boarding announcements at the gate was unusually articulate. She was so good, she sounded like she could have been on the radio! As is my habit whenever possible, I complimented her on her obvious talent. …

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Life and Breath

Gasping for air, I frantically circled the business meeting room, trying to say, “I can’t breathe!” But no sound came out, and as hard as I tried to inhale, no air was coming in. It was terrifying and I didn’t know what to do. And then I woke up in my pitch-black bedroom and realized …

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With Us

One usually associates Jesus’s alternate title of Immanuel (or Emmanuel) with Christmas, but the word means “God with us.” Isaiah prophesied of the One who came to restore humanity’s relationship with God: Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, a virgin will be with child and bear a son, and she will …

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Don’t Be Road Kill

A couple of times while driving recently I’ve encountered a squirrel running out on the road, right into my lane. As I approached and was only a car-length away, both times the rodent stopped, took a few steps in one direction, then turned in another, at which point the car was almost on top of …

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Close at Hand

I grew up with a loving mom who made her faith in God central to her life. Once when very young, maybe 6 or 7, I remember seeing her curled up in her prayer chair early in the morning with her Bible. I recall once sitting in a chair opposite her, awkwardly wrapping my arms …

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After home group recently, I mentioned to my friend, DeeDee, having had some work-related stress and she asked, “Are you remembering to breathe?” (Meaning, was I paying attention to how I was breathing?) Was it unconscious short, shallow breaths of the anxious, busy, and preoccupied, or was it deliberate, deeper breathing— bringing a sense of …

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Making Room

My wife and I are different, which is a very good thing. She likes a room to have… well, room. While I have often seen space as something to fill with stuff, Carrie finds “open and airy” peaceful and refreshing, and she disdains clutter. In my hurry I sometimes lay an object down in a …

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