Your New ID

J.B. McKoy

Is Your Candle Lit?

When we were all shut inside for Covid, I took to writing poetry. Here’s a poem I penned in November of 2020, which I’ll use to launch today’s post: The Candle A gift I once opened had a candle inside. With what rich, layered hues was this wax beautified! And it came with a wick …

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My father-in-law was in the Navy, so my wife moved several times growing up. Where we live now is the longest she has ever lived anywhere. And I suppose that’s true for me as well. A former military couple we know moved their family about twenty times in as many years. Apparently one of their …

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Know Your Benefits

At the end of last December I found myself scheduling time off I hadn’t managed to fit in during the year. My company offers paid time off on a use it or lose it basis. Since a benefit like that is part of my overall compensation, I would be foolish to ignore it. David often …

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A Sparrow for Your Thoughts

Noticing little birds enjoying our bird feeder this morning, I recalled the old song “His Eye is on the Sparrow.” Its reassuring refrain comforts us with certainty that if God’s eye is on the common sparrow, He will surely watch over us. The thought originates from Matthew 10:29. “Aren’t two sparrows sold for only a …

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The Full Package

A recent article about our state’s professional football team highlighted their distinction of having the best defense in the league… and the worst offense! In one game alone, we saw their quarterback get sacked six times and hit eighteen times! It takes more than a good defense to win a football game; somebody’s got to …

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Winning Ingredients

Years ago I developed a taste for plain yogurt for breakfast. I mix things with it, but like the taste and the fact that it’s not loaded with added sugar. Since Carrie figured out how to make it from milk and starter yogurt in a crock pot, we’ve been making our own. All it takes …

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New Life

The past week offered a study in contrasts. It began with our nephew’s photo welcoming his new baby son into the world and ended with old friends bidding their youngest son goodbye in the wake of a tragic accident. Both scenes occurred in local hospitals, but the accompanying emotions could not have been further apart. …

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A Kind Word

Anxiety weighs down the heart, but a kind word cheers it up (Proverbs 12:25). One day I messaged a coworker and just asked how she was doing. She said it made her day—just that I asked! That stuck out to me. And while it is easy to get wrapped up with myself, I have since …

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The Cost of Complacency

A couple of years ago I noticed some crabgrass in my backyard. I’ve always been diligent to uproot it when it appeared in my front lawn. But for some reason I ignored this little patch that popped up out back. It had emerged in a place that was stressed by relentless hours of sun each …

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Outsource It!

The writer of a business book popular some years ago urged readers to consider hiring virtual assistants to offload tedious tasks and save time. In one amusing section, he recognized his preoccupation with anxious thoughts over a particular situation. Seeking to free his mind for other tasks, he contacted his virtual assistant and instructed her …

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