Your New ID

J.B. McKoy

Why Wait?

What are you good at? My soon-to-be-married daughter recently asked me to address her wedding invitations. I’ve hand-lettered since I was twelve and once ran a calligraphy business, so I told her, “Of course!” You confidently say “Yes” when asked to perform tasks at which you excel. But what if God asks you to act …

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Growing up with a dad who was a research scientist and chemical engineer, I occasionally found things in our garage one wouldn’t consider a standard household item. One of these was a little jar of silver fluid curiously heavy for its size. I recall playing with it and pouring some of it in my hand. …

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No Fear

In the midst of uncertain times, there is always opportunity for alarm. The economy appears to be at risk, and you learn a coworker was just let go. Your next thought may naturally be, “Am I next?” The unrestrained mind can race far down a negative path in an instant. Before you know it, you’ve …

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If the Shoe Fits

Never having been a coffee drinker, I don’t tend to meet up with people for java. My favorite way to connect with another guy is to go for a walk on a trail. One friend I enjoy walking with told me he recently got some new walking shoes that make him feel like he’s gliding. I …

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A Well-Watered Garden

A new internet company laid fiber optic cable in our neighborhood last winter, digging deep holes for junction boxes between every home. They eventually came back and patched the grass they’d dug up with new sod around the junction access lids. Walking through our neighborhood this summer, I noticed many of these nicely laid pieces …

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No Obligation

There are some things you just have to do. You don’t necessarily do them because you want to, but because you know you should, or you somehow feel obligated. Websters defines obligation using words like duty, responsibility, and demands of conscience or custom. Maybe you made a promise, or you were committed by someone else, …

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“Put your hands up! We’ve got you surrounded!” These words, familiar in films, usually indicate the end of a struggle, a prelude to surrender, where one side has overcome the other. They typically signal victory for one and decisive defeat for the other. And in those where the protagonists find themselves surrounded and the enemy …

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Roots and Shoots

Last weekend I noticed tall grass growing in a garden where it did not belong, along with an abundance of field bindweed. This noxious and invasive weed is one of the worst in our area, inextricably wrapping itself around adjacent plants like a python capturing prey. I try to pull it up before its flowers …

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Like a Child

The gospels tell us we must become like little children to enter the kingdom (Matthew 18:3, Mark 10:15). Little children tend to be simple and unpretentious; they believe easily. They possess an insatiable curiosity about the world around them and like to try new things. As some of us get older, though, those childlike qualities …

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