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Got the Picture?

Back in the “olden days” we used cameras that required film. And one year at a Lutheran summer camp in Vermont, I learned how to develop that film. A crucial element in this process involved keeping an eye on the clock–because timing was everything. The film itself revealed “the negatives.”  No one spent time studying …

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Opportunities for Peace

In many ways my husband and I are alike. We each enjoy nature, hiking, music, exercise, family time, funny (clean) movies, and most of all, God’s Word. In other ways, however, we differ. One discrepancy manifests itself in our philosophies about possessions.   I hold to the adage, “A place for everything  . . .” But …

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The Chocolate Lesson

As a child I enjoyed reading and rereading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, in which the eccentric factory owner, Willy Wonka, must manage five children visiting his chocolate factory. This first occurs when they see the river of chocolate for the first time. The gluttonous and obese Augustus Gloop is mesmerized by the gallons of sweetness …

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Life without Elbows

I appreciate some parts of my body more than others. When I’m hungry and it’s time to eat I appreciate my teeth and tongue. When I want to research and read I appreciate my eyes. When it’s time to listen to Mozart I appreciate my ears. But what would life be like without elbows? No …

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When we lived in South Florida, fall sometimes brought rainstorms so strong that driving became impossible. The cascading downpour prevented drivers from being able to see through their windshields. They pulled their cars to the side of the road, waiting for the sheets of rain to subside. Those torrential storms remind me of legalism. Some believers are not …

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Decisions, Decisions

If you think the Old Testament is boring or irrelevant, consider Solomon’s son, Rehoboam. In 1 Kings 12 we read about his first (and worst) decision as the newly crowned fourth king of Israel. He started off well, just as his once-wise father Solomon had, by recognizing his need for advice in how to rule the …

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No Fear!

Years ago we attended a fun outdoor family event with some church friends and their children. We rode a little train, admired the petting zoo, and enjoyed the morning. Later, light rain began just as we settled in a field to watch the Ronald McDonald show. We quickly ducked under our blankets to stay dry. …

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I have been learning about WordPress widgets. That term may sound impressive if you don’t speak the lingo, but it’s not that technical. In this case, a widget is an application that allows the user to perform a particular function. And depending on the chosen WordPress theme, a variety of widgets are available. All I …

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Let Color Sing

More than once, I’ve taken a moment to thank God that He didn’t just make a monochromatic, black-and-white world. Do colors delight you, too? Their vibrant hues probably motivated me to collect rocks, minerals, seashells and postage stamps growing up. Another love of mine has always been butterflies, iridescent beetles, and other fascinating insects that …

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Reaching the Destination

Unlike my methodical husband, I enjoy exploring unknown roads. Some streets simply look inviting, and my curiosity gets the best of me. I follow a “hunch” rather than a map. Sometimes I arrive at my desired destination, and other times I must backtrack and end up following the traditional route. Although it may look as …

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